Published on January 1, 2006 By Alpha Tellurian In WindowBlinds
Anyone else have this?...

I noticed this when I went to change skins one day. The install, edit, change,delete and apply skins "buttons" were out of whack. Not sure what caused it, wondered if anyone esle had this issue. On another note, I noticed sometimes when I return to desktop from a game, the start bar will lose it's transparency. Not a big issue, just an observation. Yes, I bought it, yes, it's the latest build... sheesh!! BTW, it does this with all my skins, some are easier to see than others

on Jan 01, 2006

Thats being caused by the massive titlebars the current skin is using.  There is no room left in the preview for the install, edit, change, delete, apply text, so its being shifted down.

If you change to a skin with smaller titlebars, it should all preview ok.

on Jan 01, 2006
Cool, TX Neil.