Published on March 30, 2006 By Alpha Tellurian In Internet
I just learned you can receive a GMail account if someone invites you that already has one. Anyone out there with a GMAil account willing to invite me so I can get one?

on Mar 30, 2006
Someone please tell me this is a thread from the history books....annals of time, etc....
on Mar 30, 2006
I will... what is your current email address? I'll email the invite. ( @ Jafo... )
on Mar 30, 2006
LOL, I have been under a rock.

Thanks to Scott!!!
on Mar 30, 2006

I already sent him one.  You are welcome majik.


on Mar 30, 2006
I can send you like 300 .. Lol..
on Mar 31, 2006
Gmail is Evil!
on Mar 31, 2006
Gmail is Evil!

GMail has risks and limitations as do all things.

I like it. But I am carefule not to send unencrypted, sensative data too.