That'll be the 'WTF' to which they refer.
#5 here by Neil Banfield is the definitive answer. Neil should know, for quite good reason, likewise on that other thread.
When people have problems and request assistance it's generally a good idea to be less dismissive and more receptive....
Citizen GraffiX-MajjiK ...I think perhaps there's a discrepancy between your intent and and its perception by Joe Public.
As with most such instances the fault is unlikely to be wholely one-sided.
The WC community is more tolerant than many but still has limits.
Look after them and they will look after you...
If you are 'always up for a good confrontation' perhaps the trouble here is that at the community can/will give as good as it gets.
Nearly always there'll be a legitimate 'cause' of such ragging, though often that is mis-interpretation of intent/wording.
Remember to use the emoticons....they're not an affectation....they help disarm what can otherwise often be mis-construed...